Winter Hours by Appointment with One Day Notice
Winter Hours by Appointment with One Day Notice
General storage maintains a year-round temperature of 52 °F, reducing the need to winterize your unit. The maximum height for stored items in this area is 12 feet.
Our heated rooms maintain a year-round temperature of 62 °F. The maximum height for stored items in this area is 9 feet.
To secure your spot in our facility, a $50 deposit is required (cash or check).
Please include the following information with your deposit:
Name, Address, Phone Number
Make, Length, Height, License or Boat Number, Type of Unit (Car, Boat, Pontoon, Camper, Motor Home, Toy Haul, or Other)
* If you would like a reservation form, download and print off the form below!
We accept cash or check payments only. No debit or credit cards are accepted at this time.
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